What is our research about?
Applied research with impact
Working together on impact-driven research, innovative regions and future talent is more important now than ever.
The research activities at Windesheim are at the core of society. The questions underlying our research stem directly from the daily practice of organizations, companies and professionals. Research is conducted in close collaboration with partners from the field, ensuring that the results contribute directly to professional practice and are integrated into educational programs, benefiting future professionals.
Within Windesheim, knowledge valorisation, applied scientific research and educational activities are strongly intertwined. Labs, projects, internships and workplace learning are often embedded in research programmes, making applied research a key driver of innovation. The professional orientation of our students makes them valuable contributors to the labor market, enhancing their employability skills while also fostering innovation, such as the development of new businesses.
Our Centres of Expertise
A Centre of Expertise is a collaboration between universities of applied sciences, businesses, and the government. Its goal is to promote knowledge and innovation by bringing together experts from various sectors, including researchers, entrepreneurs, lecturers and students. Multiple research groups (lectorates) are often involved in these initiatives.
With knowledge and insights from research, the Professorship of Family Business aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial power in family businesses.
An important aspect of the research carried out by the professorship is finding a good balance between business and family interests. Through direct contact and long-term relationships with family businesses in various sectors, they know exactly what is going on now and what will become an issue in the long term.
Want to know how innovation in plastics technology is being brought together?
Green PAC, Polymer Application Centre, is an initiative of NHL Stenden and Windesheim. It is an important link for applied research on smart materials in the plastics industry. Within Green PAC, we conduct research that contributes to concrete projects from the business sector. We also focus on education in the northeastern Netherlands. The circulation of knowledge between universities of applied sciences, universities, technological companies, and regional education plays a significant role within Green PAC.
Want to know how we create new opportunities together with high-tech companies?
This Centre boosts mission-driven policy and key technologies through applied research. All the knowledge we develop directly benefits education and the region. Each project involves companies, professors, researchers, lecturers, and students. The collaboration between the two universities of applied sciences, Saxion and Windesheim, along with the broad scope of research, creates interesting synergies. As a result, we contribute to the innovation capacity and growth of the eastern region.
Want to know how more students can be encouraged to choose technical education?
TechYourFuture raises young people's awareness of the role and impact of technology in our society. Additionally, as a Centre of Expertise, we support technical (vocational) education to train more and better technicians in the future and optimize the connection between education, training, and technical enterprises. The Centre of Expertise conducts extensive practice-oriented research in collaboration with the industry and develops practical tools and methodologies for education and the technical job market.
Our Research groups (A-Z)
The researchers at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences use their expertise and all kinds of knowledge products to support the professional field in addressing all kinds of issues. They conduct applied multidisciplinary research and are organized together with partners.
In the research group of Client Perspectives in (Health) Care and Welfare, our researchers map out all the stories and views of clients, both in words and in images. We translate these perspectives into customized care and support. Care that is created through the combined efforts of organizations, professionals, technology and citizens themselves. Our research group has seven research themes, which include research into resilient families, greater inclusion and care logistics. The professorhip focuses its research on the Flevoland area.
Some of our projects are:
- Studying with brain injury
- Digit-All Inclusive and inclusive language
- Young people volunteering
The Industrial Automation & Robotics (IA&R) chair was established over three years ago. But in a world where we are connected 24/7, developments in this field do not stand still. In fact, they are moving fast and are interrelated. After all, how future-proof are you if you use a robot to optimize production processes without really thinking about digital data management? That’s why we have decided to broaden our focus. The possibilities for a new professorship of Digital Business & Society are being explored, in which IA&R will be included as a research line. This new professorship wants to strengthen the connection between research, education and the regional area and focuses on Industrial Automation & Robotics, Digitalization in SMEs and Digital Society.
Some of our projects are:
- Development of automated flexible Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) demonstrator facility
- Integral robotization
- Prototyping, Researching and Innovating vision technology for Smart Manufacturing Applications
Professor: Dr Erik Fledderus, e.fledderus@windesheim.nl
This professorship focuses on educational innovations that lead to sustainable and meaningful development and learning processes. In doing so, it is crucial to (re)design educational innovation in such a way as to optimize the opportunities of all pupils and students, with a special emphasis on situations where opportunities are at risk, such as low self-control, low levels of education of the parents, poverty, low prior knowledge and disabilities and impairments. Our research is divided into four lines of research: educational innovation for sustainable learning, E-didactics, digital (professional) agency and literacy and collaboration between schools and teacher education.
Some of our projects are:
- Teaching for digital literacy (including AI-literacy) in primary, secondary and higher education
- Pedagogical reasoning of pre-service teachers in internships
- GenAI in education
Professor: Dr Anneke Smits, aeh.smits@windesheim.nl
In order to limit climate change, the emission of greenhouse gases - of which CO₂ is one - must reduce rapidly. With the professorship of Energy Transition we aim at accelarating the energy transition through practice-oriented research in cooperation with companies, organizations, governments, education and society. We especially aim at enabling professionals to contribute to the energy transition. Ensuring that all engineers that graduate from Windesheim understand the energy transition and are able and willing to contribute to this is one of our central themes.
Some of our projects are:
- Developing tools and algorithms for energy advisors to optimize a home’s heating CO₂ emissions using measurement data of several weeks
- Systems Thinking in Education
- Energy Transition on Business Parks - with focus on the role of pubic stakeholders
Professor: Dr Jeike Wallinga, j.wallinga@windesheim.nl
Movement and a positive relation with one’s own body are of great importance to our well-being. In the last few decades, psychomotor therapists have developed an important and wide range of movement- and body-oriented interventions. They are widely used when well-being and quality of life are under pressure due to psychosocial or psychiatric problems. The research within our professorship of Movement, Health and Well-being focuses on the effectiveness and working mechanisms of these different movement- and body-oriented interventions and the diagnostic and research instruments needed to accurately support indication and evaluation of therapy.
Some of our projects are:
- Sexual trauma in persons with mild intellectual disability: Psychomotor diagnostics and intervention
- Psychomotor therapy for patients with chronic pain
- The power of water: The contribution of water specific therapy to improve balance, aquatic skills and interaction in children with autism spectrum disorders
Professor: Dr Jooske van Busschbach, jt.van.busschbach@windesheim.nl
The professorship of Human Movement, School and Sport conducts and supervises research into people’s exercise and sports behaviour, particularly within the context of the school and sports associations. Our research is practice-oriented. This means that physical education teachers can directly apply the knowledge gained from research in their work. Examples of questions to be addressed are: How do children learn to move, and how do we improve motor learning with the use of new technologies? What is the social role and significance of sport? What are possible connections between sports and physical education? What are the social effects of a certain sports policy?
Some of our projects are:
- Engaging socially vulnerable adults through sports: A study to understand and increase the societal impact of sport
- The master’s eye: a study of how to increase the perceptual competence of physical education teachers
- Swimming lessons of the future
Professor: Dr Ivo van Hilvoorde, im.van.hilvoorde@windesheim.nl
How do you organize education in such a way that all learners learn optimally? The professorship of Inclusive Learning Environments examines the question of how to make learning inclusive.
Inclusive learning environments are environments in which all learners have the opportunity to learn and develop -- with due regard for the various goals of education -- with a positive attitude towards learners' aspirations and respect for differences between learners. The professorship explicitly involves the study programmes and their (future) professionals in its research by allowing students to (co-)participate. The professorship wants to make an important theoretical and practical contribution to study programmes and the professional field.
Professor: Dr Sui Lin Goei, sl.goei@windesheim.nl
Although eHealth has been a promising development for a few decades, only few IT innovations are structurally embedded in healthcare practice. In projects and pilots with digital care solutions, healthcare professionals become enthusiastic about the opportunities offered by technologies like VR, serious games, data science, robotics, etc. However, these projects and pilots are temporarily funded and sustainable financing and embedding in care practice is not yet settled. Hence, our research group focuses on sustainable embedding of promising IT innovations in care practice by conducting multidisciplinary research from the perspective of care, technology and business. This results in applicable knowledge, for example useful tools that support healthcare providers in the use of eHealth or instruments for entrepreneurs in healthcare.
Some of our projects are:
- Methods and design principles for evaluating serious games for health
- Virtual Reality for rehabilitation
- MEDIATE: a MEDIcal dAta analyTics cEnter and the optimalisation of its innovation processes
Professor: Dr Marike Hettinga, m.hettinga@windesheim.nl
Rapid developments are constantly placing new demands on employees and managers. It is important to remain agile and up-to-date. Together with his team, Professor Menno Vos addresses this issue.
The team is conducting research into ways to stimulate the learning culture. In order to make this practically applicable, we are doing this together with the business community and knowledge partners.
Professor: Dr Menno Vos, mw.vos@windesheim.nl
The number of people living with dementia in the Netherlands is increasing rapidly. Many people with dementia live in their own homes, and we therefore have more and more contact with people with dementia in our direct environments. Not only the (future) care professionals, but also within the family, circle of friends, in the neighbourhood, at an association or in shops. Our research group Living Well with Dementia mainly focuses on people’s abilities, rather than on the limitations and challenges posed by the disease. Important themes in the work of our research group are therefore: preserving autonomy, inclusion, participation, dignity, well-being and meaning(fulness). In our research projects, often in the form of participatory action research, the researchers work closely with various dementia care stakeholders including people with dementia and their informal carers, health and social care professionals, entrepreneurs, teachers, students, and policy officers. In this way, we aim to address their questions in the best possible way and arrive at solutions and products that can be easily implemented in practice and education.
Some of our projects are:
- ENABLE-DEM: Multi-stakeholder learning communities enabling the health and social care workforce to establish living environments that enable living well with dementia
- Access to care for migrants with dementia: required competences for nurses
- VRepresentation: Portrayals of Living well with Dementia through Virtual Reality
Professor: Dr Simone de Bruin, sr.de.bruin@windesheim.nl
The professorship of Mental Health Care and Society has both feet firmly planted in the middle and is actively involved in practice. This chair investigates how to prevent the neglect of vulnerable people with, for example, mental or addiction problems. Such neglect should be spotted in time, so that counselling or treatment can be initiated. This requires a stronger connection and cooperation of professionals, citizens and organizations. Experiential knowledge is the basis for good care and services. Our researchers mainly focus on the connection between psychiatric and structural social problems.
Some of our projects are:
- Experience-wise
- Protected living in motion
- Deployment of experience experts in projects for persons with disturbed behaviour
Professor: Dr Alie Weerman, a.weerman@windesheim.nl
A growing number of organizations, including companies, recognize that the current linear method of production and consumption is not sustainable in the long term. In a circular economy, systems and products are designed to recover and reuse all materials and to create multiple values that are good for business, people and the environment. Our professorship aims is to help companies and other relevant organizations to develop circular practices. Our research focuses on multiple value creation, supply chain and network collaboration, the playing rules of a new economic system and on behavioural change for circular transition.
Some of our projects are:
- Circular purchasing and procurement
- Towards circular design teams in the construction sector
- Reduction of waste in the health sector
Professor: Dr Liesbeth Rijsdijk, e.rijsdijk@windesheim.nl
There are fewer and fewer healthcare professionals in proportion to the increasing number and complexity of care and support needs. This leads to growing pressure in healthcare and among professionals, longer waiting times, and less focus on prevention. This calls for a change in the organization of care and support in the region. But how can this be done while keeping care and support person-centered, especially for vulnerable clients and patients?
Isala, IJsselheem, Icare, Carinova, and Windesheim are collaborating in this research group to find answers to these questions.
Professor: Dr Myrna Pelgrum-Keurhorst, m.n.pelgrum-keurhorst@windesheim.nl
Research and education in the field of rubber and polymer processing has been given less priority in the Netherlands. The primary aim of the research within the Professorship for Polymer Engineering is to promote higher education in polymers with practical results for industry.
Professor Margie Topp and her team focus on the sustainable use of raw materials and sustainable production processes. Recycling, environmental impact and energy savings are important areas of research. With its focus on Industrial Additive Manufacturing and Smart Industry 4.0, the professorship contributes to keeping the regional manufacturing industry competitive.
Professor: Dr Margie Topp, m.topp@windesheim.nl
Sports pedagogy focuses on research, education and activities that will ensure that young people can practice sports safely and enjoyable in the future with supervision by qualified people. Aim of the professorship is a focus on unsportsmanlike behavior, such as aggression on the sports field, and creating awareness among physical education teachers of behavioral risks such as sexual harassment and bullying. Through our research we make a contribution to provide a sustainable and responsible youth sports climate, in both top level and recreational sports, and education.
Some of our projects are:
- Sexual harassment in sports in the Netherlands
- iCoachsKids (competent coaching of young athletes)
- Youth Sports Compass and pedagogical sport climate
Professor: Prof. Dr Nicolette Schipper-van Veldhoven, n.schippervanveldhoven@windesheim.nl
Research shows that differences between people, for example in competences, experience and views, within organizations and teams, lead to better performance and more innovation. But this is only successful if the focus is on making the most of those differences and creating an inclusive culture in which people can develop and feel valued. Therefore, the Social Innovation professorship conducts research into possibilities to innovate labor market and organizations so that people who are distanced from the labor market or people who are partially fit for work (can) get a suitable place in the labor market. This requires an inclusive approach. Our research group of Social Innovation, together with all our partners in the field, is committed to the realization of inclusive labor organizations that together form the inclusive labor market, and is therefore investigating how this can best be achieved in practice. The ultimate goal is to achieve better performance, greater job satisfaction and optimal and sustainable use of all available human capital.
Some of our projects are:
- Utilizing the labor potential of vulnerable job seekers at technical SMEs
- Transition of young people with mental or psychiatric problems to work
- Working on jobs for residence permit holders: 5 approaches to employment guidance
Professor: Dr Joost van der Weide j.vander.weide@windesheim.nl
How do you spread risks and improve the position of companies in supply chains? The professorship of Supply Chain Finances addresses this issue.
Supply Chain Finance is the generic term for all forms of financing between companies within the supply chain. The aim is to improve the financial positions of all parties in the chain and to spread financial risks. Research shows that companies can save money by improving their working capital position. As a result, less financing is needed and banks are more willing to grant loans based on a strong working capital ratio. Supply Chain Finance plays a major role in this.
Professor: Dr Michiel Steeman, ma.steeman@windesheim.nl
At the Professorship of Urban Care & Education, our mission is to delve into the intricacies of education and care within urban landscapes, with a keen focus on understanding and enhancing their dynamics. Collaborating closely with a diverse array of stakeholders including educators, policymakers, school administrators, and early childhood professionals, our research endeavors are dedicated to ensuring equitable access to high-quality education for all children. Through our research projects, we aim to uncover strategies and effective practices that empower communities to provide good education for all children and adolescents.
Our research lines:
- Language education in urban contexts
- Equal opportunities in education and care
- Teaching and teacher education in an urban context
- Quality early childhood education and care
Professor: Dr Chiel van der Veen, chiel.van.der.veen@windesheim.nl
The professorship of Urban Innovation focuses on inclusive and sustainable urban development. The aim is to strengthen the economic, social and ecological connections between all those involved in urban environments (such as residents, administrators, entrepreneurs and civil society organizations). After all, the city and the urban area are where the great challenges of the future lie. There are economic and social issues at stake, and at the same time cities face major challenges in the fields of construction, sustainability and energy transition. Central research questions focus on how innovations are developed, and implemented in an urban context and what value is being added for those involved: inhabitants, governors, entrepreneurs and societal organizations. Researchers and students work together in learning communities and field labs with local and regional companies, societal organizations and residents.
Some of our projects are:
- Positive health in neighborhoods
- Circular transition through Collaboration, focusing on two themes: built environment and consumer goods
- Involving youngsters with development of public space, and urban amenities
Professor: Dr Evert-Jan Velzing, e.j.velzing@windesheim.nl
The professorship of Valuable Journalism conducts research on how journalism can be valuable for diverse audiences in today’s society. We take a constructive and audience-oriented approach to journalism. This means that we research how including perspectives to action and being solution- oriented, including more nuance and a greater diversity of perspectives, and being in conversation with the public can enrich journalism and strengthen its connection with audiences. We study, among other things, the effects of constructive news on audience groups and we investigate the implications of these effects for journalism practice. Based on our research, we develop practical knowledge and tools that journalism organizations and journalism educators can use.
Some of our projects are:
- Monitor Youth and News. A longitudinal study, carried out every 5 years, into news interest, news behaviour and news preferences among youth between 15-29.
- Polarization and constructive strategies for depolarization in (social) media
- The effects of a constructive approach in climate news on young audiences.
Professor: Dr Liesbeth Hermans, eahm.hermans@windesheim.nl
The Professorship of Youth stands for healthy and inclusive upbringing of all children in a complex society. The research links up with the important social (parenting) questions from the fields of education, youth health care and youth aid. Children and young people are entitled to develop in a way that suits them, without being immediately placed outside the normal framework for special help and/or guidance. Our researchers work on the pedagogical context and pedagogical relationship around youth and family from the perspective of normalization and de-medicalization.
Some of our projects are:
- Inclusive education: research into anxiety and depression among pupils
- Families with complex problems: knowledge transfer through a Serious Game
- Doing justice to children: children’s rights in youth protection measures
Professor: Dr Dorien Graas, tam.graas@windesheim.nl
The living environment of children has changed rapidly in recent years due to all kinds of new media and technologies. As a result, many parents and professional co-educators have all kinds of questions. When is media good or bad, and how can you best monitor children’s media use as an educator? And what is the best way for a professional to support children or parents with questions about media? Our Youth & Media research group, preferably together with practitioners and parents or children themselves, searches for possible answers in the realm of media-awareness to such topical questions. As such, we want to contribute to an inclusive online environment where all children can thrive thanks to a healthy, safe and conscious use of media.
Our projects specifically focus on life domains or developmental stages where media-awareness is a typical challenge for children and youth or their families, such as:
- Empowering safe media use among clients with mild intellectual disability in youth care or among neurodivergent youth in Special Needs Education
- Helping 1st year higher education students to get a healthy and happy grip on their smartphone use
- Empowering digital skills of parents with very young children via local organizations as child care, health care and maternity care.
Our Professors (A-Z)
Our professors combine scientific expertise with a deep understanding of professional practice. This makes them ideal for bridging the gap between theory and practice. Through their close collaboration with businesses, governments, and social organizations, they ensure that research results have a direct impact on the field and society.
Alie is a professor of Mental Health Care and Society. She combines scientific knowledge, practical-professional expertise, and lived experience, conducting mainly participatory action research at the intersection of psychiatry and society.
Anneke is a professor of Educational Innovation and ICT. Additionally, she is part of the Literacy and School Success learning circle alongside Erna van Koeven.
Chiel van der Veen is professor in Urban Care and Education at the Knowledge Center for Social Innovations Flevoland in Almere. As a professor, he aims to use scientific knowledge to work with educational practice in finding solutions to challenges in (regional) education.
Claudia van Orden has been a professor of Family Businesses at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences since August 2023.
Myrna Pelgrum-Keurhorst is a professor of Person-Centered Care and Support. She collaborates with Isala, IJsselheem, Icare, Carinova, and researchers to enable more personalized care and support that seamlessly aligns with the life story of each patient and client.
Dorien Graas is a professor of Youth at Windesheim. In her inaugural lecture, she advocated for "Ordinary and engaging parenting," emphasizing less focus on problems and more on restoring the normal parenting situation.
Erik is a professor of Digital Business and Society. His research group brings together various issues and perspectives on digitalization, acting as both a research and discussion partner for external stakeholders and practitioners.
Dr Evert-Jan Velzing is a professor of Urban Innovation at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Almere.
Ivo is a professor of Human Movement, School, and Sport. His work focuses on philosophical, historical, and pedagogical questions related to sports and physical education.
Dr Jeike Wallinga is a professor of Energy Transition, where she combines her passion for sustainability with her technical expertise in physics. Her background in programme management—gained in corporate organizations—also plays a key role in her approach to tackling energy transition challenges.
Dr Jooske van Busschbach is a professor of Human Movement, Health, and Well-being. Her research primarily focuses on the effectiveness of psychomotor interventions in mental health care, exploring how movement-based therapies can support psychological well-being and recovery.
Joost is a Professor of Social Innovation at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on developing a learning culture in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and promoting sustainable labor participation for people with barriers to employment, including young people and refugees with residence permits (status holders).
Judith van Helvert-Beugels is professor in Family Businesses at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences since June 2021.
Since 2016, Liesbeth has been a professor of Constructive Journalism. She researches how journalism can innovate to align with a rapidly changing society. She approaches this from a constructive and audience-oriented perspective.
Liesbeth has been a professor of Networks in a Circular Economy (NiCE) since 2022. She has a multidisciplinary background, with a focus on collaboration in complex transition processes.
Margie Topp joined Windesheim University of Applied Sciences as a professor in Polymer Engineering in 2013 and is an expert in the field of polymers and composites. From 2000 till 2012 she worked at DSM Composite Resins, where she developed her passion for composites and applied industrial research.
Marike Hettinga is a professor of IT Innovations in Health Care. She has a multidisciplinary background, which she applies in leading the research group.
Menno Vos is the lector of Lifelong Learning at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. In his research, he primarily focuses on how organizations can encourage their employees to continue developing in the rapidly changing labor market.
Michiel Steeman has been a research fellow in Supply Chain Finance at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences since 2013. He is also the founder of the Supply Chain Finance Community and chairman of the Partnership Foundation.
Nicolette leads the professorship of Positive Climate for Youth Sports, focusing her research on contributing to sustainable knowledge development in creating a pedagogical and safe sports environment.
Dr Simone de Bruin is professor of Living well with Dementia. She works on innovations that support living well with dementia and connects research, practice, and education to promote their implementation.
Dr Sui Lin Goei is a professor at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and heads the academic group of Inclusive Learning Environments since 2018.
The value of applied research
Nearly 700 professors at all universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands account for a substantial volume of applied impact research. And our university of applied sciences is also doing its bit. Our research focuses for example on energy transition, the climate and all kinds of challenges within healthcare, education and the business community. After all, universities of applied sciences are ideally equipped to help tackle these issues by conducting applied research. In doing so, we rely on the know-how and expertise of all our professors and researchers.
Many of our researchers' publications can be found in the HBO Knowledge Bank. On their website you can filter publications by language (Dutch and English). Click on the button below to see our English publications.
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