Lifelong learning
Developing a learning culture
The labor market is in full swing. Due to increasing technologization and digitalization, the demands placed on employees and managers are changing ever faster. What do these changes require of us in terms of knowledge and skills? What is the importance of lifelong development and how do we promote a more active learning culture in organizations together? These questions are answered through practical research in and with companies, industry organizations and educational institutions.
Knowledge for you
We conduct practice-oriented research that is multidisciplinary, accessible, and connected to the region. Partnering with students, companies, and professionals, we apply our expertise to drive innovation and tackle (social) challenges. Our community of professors, PhD students, lecturers, and students ensures knowledge development and exchange—locally, nationally, and internationally. Curious about a project? We’re happy to share our insights with you!
Learning culture scan
description of project
Building blocks of an integral learning culture
DIVERSE network
Description of DIVERSE network?
Looking for a speaker for a workshop, guest lesson or other meeting? We provide lectures, presentations, workshops and guest lectures. Feel free to inquire about the possibilities and costs. Or we can explore what our researchers can do for you.
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