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Windesheim and Erasmus+

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences has been a long time participant in Erasmus+(opens in new tab) and its predecessors. It has been an effective enabler of collaboration and exchange of students and staff from Higher Education Institutions in Europe and the world. Our exchange programmes, for example, offer lots of opportunities for international students. Moreover, participation in Erasmus+ has created ample opportunities to improve the quality of the curriculum, enhance study experiences of students and professionalize faculty members. With the new Erasmus+ period from 2021-2027, Windesheim looks forward to strengthening its ties with existing partners in various ways and to explore new opportunities with partners to be.



European Charter for Higher Education

The European Commission has granted the new European Charter for Higher Education for the period 2021-2027 to Windesheim in December 2020. As a long-time participant in the Erasmus-programme, Windesheim is proud having achieved a score of 100/100 points. We are aware that holding a European Charter for Higher Educations does not only allow us to participate in European projects, but also obliges us to keep certain standards set in the ECHE-criteria. We are constantly monitoring these criteria in order to meet all requirements as intended.

Download the Erasmus Charter

Erasmus Policy Statement

The Erasmus+ programme is constantly evolving, including new priorities and goals that are on top of mind of most Higher Education Institutions. In the current Erasmus Policy Statement, Windesheim clarifies in which ways it will contribute to achieving these priorities and goals as an institution itself and in collaboration with others. Topics such as inclusiveness, sustainability, digitalization and active citizenship are an integral part of our Strategic Plan.

Download the Erasmus+ Policy Statement

Mobility and projects

Being a comprehensive University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim offers mobility opportunities in many fields. Outgoing and incoming student mobility is an important factor in our internationalization strategy. Just take a look at our student exchange programmes. This also applies to the teaching and training mobility of faculty and staff members. We aim to offer short and long term mobility opportunities physically, blended and virtual.

Together with our partners, Windesheim aims to offer various Blended Intensive Programmes and participates in Key Action 2 projects such as Partnerships for Collaboration, Partnerships for Innovation and Partnerships for Excellence. Check the Erasmus Project results Platform(opens in new tab) for more information.

Questions or interested in collaborating with us through Erasmus+? Get in touch with our International Office(opens in new tab)


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the National Agency can be held responsible for them.