Windesheim collaborates in international Kidmove project
The Kidmove project is an international project co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus + Sports Programme.
Metropolia UAS from Finland coordinates this project and the partners are: Icehearts ry (Finland), Sportunion Steiermark (Austria), Special Heroes Nederland and Windesheim UAS (Netherlands), Masaryk University and Bulldogs Brno (Czech Republic), and University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw and AZS-AWF Wroclaw (Poland).
The project’s goal is to increase fun and motivation for children in doing sports and to reduce the numbers of children dropping out of sports activities by improving social inclusion and equal opportunities and preventing sports-related injuries.
The programme collects and co-creates the best coaching examples for young people aged 11-15 from the ground up for these young athletes. Existing research-based theories are linked to the knowledge and experience of coaches in sports clubs and associations. In good sport coaching, young people of that age ought not only to be seen and heard, but also to be respected for what they are.
The Kidmove project takes two years and within this project Paul Verschuur and Cor Niks, both lecturers of Windesheim’s Psychomotor Therapy/Psychomotricity programme, are working together with Franceline van de Geer from Special Heroes Nederland on the contribution from the Netherlands.